Getaround Fleet Solutions

The Getaround technology for private fleets

La technologie Getaround pour vos flottes privées

Offrez à vos clients ou collaborateurs une expérience digitale pour partager ou louer des véhicules avec la solution Getaround

Flotte partagée

Une solution digitale pour partager des voitures au sein de votre propre organisation

Partage sans clés

Un boîtier télématique pour déverrouiller les voitures et les rendre disponibles 24h/24 et 7j/7

Gestion simplifiée

Un tableau de bord pour répertorier vos véhicules, ajouter les membres de votre personnel et suivre les utilisations.

Réduisez vos coûts
Une entreprise leader de l'autopartage
Ouvrez votre calendrier à nos 1.7 millions d'utilisateurs
Capture d’écran 2024-03-06 à 14.41.40.png

Your benefits

Improved customer satisfaction

Faster check-ins, your vehicles available at all times

Higher repeat rate

Satisfied customers who come back more regularly

Reduced fixed costs

A Connect check-in takes 5 minutes. Reallocate your counter agents and reduce your costs. Up to €37 saved per rental

Maximized income

Extended availability ranges for better conversion 24/7

Better user experience

Fast, digital bookings for your customers
Secure verification of drivers, simplified management of check-ins, and schedules for your teams

Additional rentals via our users

Open your fleet to our 3 million users, synchronize your calendar and generate 30% additional reservations

A request, a project to share with us?

Find out about our prices and request a demo here, we will get back to you immediately


About Getaround

Getaround, the leading car sharing company in Europe, offers a reliable and secure marketplace service with more than 6 million rentals since its creation. We're helping consumers shift away from car ownership by giving them instant and convenient access to vehicles when they need them.
Additionally Getaround develops SaaS models to offer its technology to private fleets and public organizations.